(image for) PDX Whsle Florist - Flowers by the bunch


Greens by the bunch

Displaying 13 to 24 (of 38 Products)
Product Code Product Image Product Name Price
WHS0180 (image for) Eucalyptus - Gunni
Eucalyptus - Gunni

► Color: Gray Green
 •   5-7 Stems per bunch
 •   50cm Length
 •   Availability: Mostly year round

Need 1 days lead time
Earliest date available: 03/12/2025
Pickup/Local Delivery Only
WHS2469 (image for) Eucalyptus - Parvifolia
Eucalyptus - Parvifolia

► Color: Gray Green
 •   10 Stems per bunch
 •   40-50cm Length
 •   Availability: Mostly year round

⇒ Gap in crop from Jun thru mid-July

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
WHS0177 (image for) Eucalyptus - Seeded
Eucalyptus - Seeded

► Color: Gray Green
 •   5 Stems per bunch
 •   40-50cm Length
 •   Cupped from April thru June

When not available see Cupped Eucalyptus

Need 1 days lead time
Earliest date available: 03/12/2025
Available 07/01/24 - 03/01/25
Pickup/Local Delivery Only
WHS0179 (image for) Eucalyptus - Silver Dollar
Eucalyptus - Silver Dollar

► Color: Gray Green
 •   7-10 Stems per bunch
 •   50cm Length
 •   Availability: Mostly year round

Need 1 days lead time
Earliest date available: 03/12/2025
Pickup/Local Delivery Only
WHS0176 (image for) Eucalyptus - Spiral
Eucalyptus - Spiral

► Color: Gray Green
 •   5-7 Stems per bunch
 •   50cm Length
 •   Availability: Mostly year round

→ Also known as Baby or True Blue

Need 1 days lead time
Earliest date available: 03/12/2025
Pickup/Local Delivery Only
WHS0162 (image for) Fern - Foxtail
Fern - Foxtail

► Color: Green
 •   10 Stems per bunch
 •   40cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only

... more info
WHS0181 (image for) Fern - Maidenhair
Fern - Maidenhair

► Color: Green
 •   20 Stems per bunch
 •   40cm Length
 •   Availability: Mostly Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
WHS0163 (image for) Fern - Ming
Fern - Ming

► Color: Green
 •   8 Stems per bunch
 •   40cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
WHS0164 (image for) Fern - Plumosa
Fern - Plumosa

► Color: Green
 •   25 Stems per bunch
 •   40cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
WHS0165 (image for) Fern - Sprengeri
Fern - Sprengeri

► Color: Green
 •   20 Stems per bunch
 •   50-70cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
WHS0168 (image for) Fern - Tree
Fern - Tree

► Color: Green
 •   20 Stems per bunch
 •   40cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
WHS0166 (image for) Galax

► Color: Green
 •   About 20 Stems per bunch
 •   10cm Length
 •   Availability: Mostly Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Displaying 13 to 24 (of 38 Products)